Installs Generation

Effective promotion of mobile applications! We attract paying users into your Apps

Work stages
Collect data about the product
  • We study the subject of the app, its page in Apple Store/Google Play, assess reviews and functionality.
  • After that, we analyze the audience: Geo, gender, language, interests and age targeting.
  • Furthermore, we define the key goals of the app development and traffic payout criteria.
Integrate advertising platforms
  • We give the client access to platforms Adjust/Appsflyer/Appmetrica with simple guidelines with online support of our accounts.
  • We prepare advertising platforms and access to Facebook/InApp/Adwords.
Design creative materials
  • We design creative conceptual foundation and notifications for diverse audience.
  • Afterwards, we create video or GIF-files, textual introduction and ideas.
  • All content is unique and designed based on the analysis of audience and competitors as well as product positioning.
Launch advertisingcampaigns
  • Our specialists use the following platforms:
  • Facebook (Instagram, Instagram Stories, Facebook, Facebook Messenger)
  • In-App (DSP, RTB, Self-Managed Networks)
  • Google Adwords
  • TikTok and others
  • We make up regular reports on the advertising campaigns.
  • We bring together ideas and adjust agenda for action real-time.
  • We hold consultations on analytics and product development.
  • We draw up accompanying documentation.
Design creative materials
  • We assess quantity and quality of the leads coming from the campaigns.
  • We make a report on the KPI delivery.
  • Apart from the standard analytics, the report includes conclusions and suggestions on the further advertising campaign maintenance.
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To ensure your project is delivered on time